The three most "bombing" exercises on the weight of your Breasts

Barbell bench press on an inclined bench

Barbell bench press on an inclined bench

Basic exercise for the chest, for strength development and the overall mass of the chest muscles. In this exercise we use the most high working weight, which makes it very effective for the study of thoracic muscles of the array. This is the most powerful exercise to the chest and a "starting point" load for your chest. Doing it first you kill three birds with one stone:

1.Focus attention on the difficult growing upper sections.

2. Should easily be able to track the load by increasing the weights on the bar.

3. Furthermore, tilt up, "stealing" the load from the triceps to the chest.

4. Barbell press seated perfectly in the slope raises the serratus.

The variation of the width of the grip allows you to focus the load across the width of the chest ? on the outer, middle or inner part of the top of the chest; commonly used grip, slightly wider than shoulders. Incline bench ? 35 degrees. Amplitude ? truncated: do not touch the stamp at the bottom of the chest, and straighten your elbows to end at the top.

Dumbbell bench press on an inclined bench

Dumbbell bench press on an inclined bench

Effective exercise for the development of the volume and give the chest muscles a good shape. As well as a bar press, well-developed muscles of the upper body at all, although the main emphasis of the load on the upper chest.

In the dumbbell bench press, do not abbreviate amplitude. It's not a bench press bar. Stretching in the bottom position is required. And you need to choose a heavy but manageable weight dumbbells. The slope is usually the same as in the bench barbell.

Breeding dumbbells on an inclined bench

Breeding dumbbells on an inclined bench

This is a formative exercise for upper chest. The main secret of this exercise is ? a departure from the "cruciform" hand position required for other exercises on the chest.

Squeeze the dumbbells, try very slowly, without losing balance, lower them on the straight arms down toward the pelvis. Reaching the point below which you will not be able to hold the dumbbell, you get the point projection (down to the gravity vector) plane of motion. Exercise for breast in such a motor plane loads well top of the pectoral muscles, especially in extended position.

Amplitude ? full. Stretching in the bottom position is required. The inclination of the bench can be very different. From negative (-30 degrees), to the classical positive (35 -45 degrees). It is recommended to alternate tilts and not to pursue weight.
