Cardio (aerobic exercise) is traditionally associated with weight loss, but this is one of the biggest misconceptions in fitness. Not knowing this, people walk for hours on the treadmill to get rid of excess fat, but it works not.


Many of you probably would say that a lot. Most would answer quite specifically, for example, 25-30 min., 3-5 times/week. The correct answer is not here, because you don't need cardio to burn fat. Let's look at why.


Aerobic exercise slimming eyes looks like a set of light or moderate exercises that you can perform without stopping for a long time. The goal is simple: continuing to move, you'll burn so many calories as possible.

Typically aerobic training is performed to strengthen the cardiovascular system, but because the article is devoted to weight loss, have to stick to this theme.

There are two main forms of cardio workouts:

VIIT (HIIT) high intensity interval training, which consist of varying short periods of intensive movements, such as 15 seconds of running and longer periods of low-intensity aerobic exercise, such as walking.
NIT (LIT), low-intensity workout. This is a typical gym-form cardio long boring session at the gym, like treadmill, etc.

VIET is the most effective form of aerobic training, because it allows you to burn more calories in a short period of time. It is more attractive, and even fun, but despite all advantages, this type of aerobics is more difficult BAT. VIET is a short but explosive session, giving a greater load on the joints, and the exercises will be quite hard, especially older people or overweight.

Based on this, consider the example of calories burned during low-intensity cardio session.



For example, a 100 kg person, the consumption of calories during 30 minutes of low-intensity cardio is:

Hiking ? 325 kcal;
Stairmaster (the simulator "steps") ? 325 calories;
Swimming ? 325 kcal;
The walk ? 151 kcal.
Let's say you decide to run on the treadmill 4 workouts a week for 30 minutes each. The flow rate will be only 600 calories a week (if that to lose one kg you need to spend 7000 calories approx. ed.). If you do a year, you will burn 30,000 calories (including a few missed workouts), but in the end will lose only 8.5 kg of fat. This is the result of 100 hours spent on the treadmill.

The CONCLUSION is that cardio is good for maintaining health, but not effective for weight loss. Thus, to lose body fat you need to understand the power.


A good diet plan will melt fat in your body. The only requirement is to accurately monitor your calorie intake and adjust the diet if necessary.

Most people coming to the gym to lose weight, attack the first thing the cardio equipment, but more importantly, what they must be thinking it's a diet.

Cardio workout without a healthy eating plan are a time bomb. If you don't control your diet, aerobics, likely to increase the appetite. It can even lead to the fact that you will not lose fat at all. If you do not control the daily caloric content, it is easy to exceed 200-400 kcal.

The meal plan should meet your needs. It will help to lose 2 to 10 kg/ month. Even if you run a few miles on the treadmill, eating plan depends 80-95% of the loss. That's why you don't need cardio to lose weight, but you can use it to maintain General health.



If a meal plan was created with the goal of changing body composition ? fat loss and preserve muscle mass, it will lead to the loss of 30 to 45 kg / y, whereas weight loss through cardio small compared with these numbers, an aerobic workout can use to lose weight. For example, when the process of fat loss will slow down.

Don't focus on cardio for weight loss. Better think about how this training can improve your health.

During the first 4-6 weeks, focus on good nutrition, however you can gradually add aerobic exercise, but the main thing is not to overdo it. Allow your body to adjust to added stress, and only then change them.

Steve offers to try a SIX-week training PLAN on the treadmill:

  • Week 1 ? 2 times/week. 10-15 min.
  • Week 2 ? 2-3 times/week. 15-20 min.
  • Week 3 ? 3 times/week. 15-20 min.
  • 4th week 3 times/week. 20-25 min.
  • 5 week 3-4 times/week. 20-25 min.
  • 6-week 3-4 times/week. 20-30 min.

More cardio for weight loss you don't need. However, given the above, slow weight loss can occur with prolonged period of stay in the calorie deficit.

When you reach the plateau, try to slightly increase the time of cardio, running once a week for 10 minutes longer. Let's see how this will help to get the ball rolling. If this is not done, we have to reduce the caloric intake. Do not panic, reducing calories and increasing aerobic, but if the weight has not changed for two weeks, then make minor changes.

MY 5 kopeck: I think cardio is for weight loss effective only in combination with strength training. It can be carried out as a day of rest, or immediately after power. However, it should be considerations in the study of Wilson et al. they say that there are a number of evidence that the combination of aerobic and strength exercises (one workout) has a negative impact on increasing muscle strength and size due to catabolic processes, which are triggered by aerobics.

The timing of cardio and it depends on goals and body composition training. Lyle McDonald claims: for dry people (22% of fat women and 15% fat for men), tending to become drier, it is advisable to do aerobics in the morning on an empty stomach, whereas the timing of cardio for people with average %fat does not matter.

And as for the type of exercise, VIIT more effective because it allows you to burn more calories to maintain muscle, speed up metabolism, but it is better to spend it on non-training day. If you need to make cardio a day strength training, it is better to give preference to nits.


Still, it is believed that during low-intensity work on a rest day, it is recommended that session duration was not shorter than 20 minutes, but no longer than 60 minutes, because 20 minutes are depleted the glycogen stores and the body begins to use fatty acids. But I support the idea that the key is still in the diet and weight loads and aerobics only has a little help. Moreover, after the exercise calorie consumption is terminated, while power load have a more lasting effect.
